I figured for my last blog, I would look back on our class to see what we've all covered. I guess I'll start with Rock-a-Bye Baby. When Dr. Reed told us that we had to do a dramatic reading of the nursery rhyme, I immediately thought, "Wow, its the first day of this 2 hour long class and I already have to stand in front of everyone and be a tree". But then we couldn't decide on the word to the poem, even though we all claimed to know it, which was pretty funny. Then we had to pair up with someone we didn't know and introduce them to the class, and you all realized how deeply invested I am when it comes to Beatles conspiracy theories. We learned that Austin is going to be a back-up dancer for Demi Lovato, Skylar-Moon's dream job was a "Wikipedia guy", that Walter would only be at Mercyhurst for a semester, and that we're all pretty good at writing someone's personality into a description we had 2 days to write. We also learned that 🐈=\=CAT, which we left for the next class to find, and hoped that they'd be almost as confused as we were. We argued over the meaning of crickets and grasshoppers, and kept each other in check when we were acting like kelp, and for the most part we all agreed that although Emily from
A Rose for Emily was low-key insane, she was also pretty cool. We discussed and read numerous poems and short stories while we aced (???) the quizzes on them, and we all worried about the outcome of Miss Lonely-heart from
Rear-Window while seriously thinking Jefferies was a goner when he picked up the phone. I think that it's safe to say no one liked Happy from
Death of a Salesman, and that Austin dislike
Cathedral as much as I disliked
A&P. There was also the day that nothing in our class seemed to work, especially the projector, but even the erasers were useless!! While I have admit that I came into this class with the assumption that it was going to be boring as heck, it ended up being one of the best classes I've had here so far. I am so grateful that you all ended up being so cool, and that you all made the class entertaining with all of the discussions and blogs contributed and your thoughtful answers regarding the analysis of the literary works we had to read. Not to mention, the John Mulaney quotes that were recited word for word! Thanks for making this semester awesome. I'm really going to miss our class!
Sarah, this is a complete and wonderful summary of all the things we went through this semester. I love it. I will definitely miss our class!